October 18, 2024
Contract Finder Pro – Search UK public sector tenders

What is included on the Buyers profile page?

The Buyer Profile page provides key facts about the organisation:

  • Its legal name and primary address
  • How many tenders have been issued in the past year, with the value range, the average tender value and the total value of the tenders in the past 12 months (noting that any non-public or non-declared budgets will not be included here)
  • Those known current suppliers as identified by publish contract awards and the values awarded to those firms
  • The top types of contracts, e.g. medical consumables, construction etc and the frequency with which those contracts have been placed
  • Current open tenders using the Opportunity Tile format are included below with a list of historical tender awards below that.

We also provide a number of visual aids to make easy comparisons on tender volumes, the annual cycle for tendering and distribution of average values. As below:

NHS Engalnd Buyer profile

When combined this information gives you the ability to identify buyer preferences and behaviour as well as which suppliers are strong in that buying organisation – all information that you should be able to use in making any bid/no bid decisions.

We would always urge businesses to think carefully about bidding, each bid costs money and time; it’s important to focus on opportunities that you can genuinely win.

Good quality research can be the difference between success and failure.

If you have not already read it, you might also be interested in our article which helps you to search for Buyers using Contract Finder Pro.