Are you getting a share of Public Sector business
Sign up for our 14-day trial and start your journey to winning your next best job Your 14-day trial will give you th...
Sign up for our 14-day trial and start your journey to winning your next best job Your 14-day trial will give you th...
We have introduced a new feature to Contract Finder Pro, helping you to filter out tenders by the language you are able...
Sandy Boxall takes a look at two types of procurement systems – frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems and explore...
CFP’s Sandy Boxall takes a look at the first days of Brexit and what the end of the transition period means for HMG t...
Although the Covid-19 pandemic is rightly the main focus of the government, the clock is ticking down towards the end o...
How to use Contract Finder Pro to find the contract opportunities you want Use the Tender Search page for ...
The UK Government issues around 120,000 contracts a year on open frameworks, placing orders worth over £200Bn The text...
Our offer at CFP is relatively straightforward Our bespoke system hoovers up all the open tenders released by the...
The Buyer Profile page provides key facts about the organisation: Its legal name and primary addressHow many tenders...
While buyers are, by Government policy, supposed to post the winners, this is not always done This can be for a wide...